Thursday, August 21, 2014

What Do I Need to Know About Food Plots?

Well it is that time of the year and hunters across the land are busy planting their annual food plots. I think it is worth noting that food plots used during the hunting season do little to promote antler development (in most areas, the antlers are fully formed by hunting season). It is important to remember that deer and other wildlife need nutrition year round. That means for big racks, you should provide plenty of protein, minerals and other supplements year round. Antler growth in deer is phenomenal. In fact deer antlers can grow up to ½ inch per day. Of course the amount of antler growth depends upon nutrition, genetics and age. Some biologist  suggest that deer can consume up to 6 pounds of food each day.

Food plots are extremely useful during hunting season. With a shooting house or box stand, you can sit out of the weather and view deer and turkey. During turkey season, the gobblers will often enter the field and put on a real show as they strut around. For deer it is a great place to concentrate the herd and during the rut you might even see something worth shooting!

Now…what to plant? Many of the ‘feed and seed’ stores can help you make a selection. Also, a great resource is the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Service. You can even take in boxes with soil samples and they can help with fertilizer and lime recommendations. Following is a link to a planting chart.

Get those food plots planted and get outside and enjoy the great outdoors!

For information on buying or selling LAND, contact G. Kent Morris, RF, ALC

at  (706) 457-0090

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