Tuesday, February 24, 2015

How is My Credit Score Determined?

The company I am affiliated with provides some great training! During one of our business meetings we discussed 'credit scores' and how they are determined. Eddie Kirby with Guarantee Mortgage did a great job!

If you borrow money, you better know what your score is. Determine your score first before you apply. There may be some quick easy steps to raise your credit score, such as paying off a credit card, reducing the number of credit cards or paying off student loans.  Let's discuss how your score is determined. There are several factors that go into the calculation. Look at the following chart!

Your score is determined by the following:

  • Payment History – 35% - Includes information on types of accounts, public records, payment delinquencies, collections
  • Amount of Debt – 30% -  Number of accounts (loans, balance of installments compared to the original loan amount, proportion of high credit to balance on revolving debt.
  • Length of Credit History – 15% - Do you have a long period of consistent and on time payments?
  • Acquisition of New Credit – 10% - have you recently taken on a lot of new debt, this may decrease you chances of securing financing
  • Type of Credit in Use – 10%   Mortgages vs Pay Day Loans and Title Loans

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  1. You said: "There may be some quick easy steps to raise your credit score."

    What are they?? Do we have to stay tuned in until the next blog post to find out??


  2. As a result of your comment, I have edited the post. I hope that helps!!
